exercise for women
Is your core training paying off in strength and athleticism, or is it all show? Include these moves to take your abs to the next level in both performance and definition!
There are perhaps more exercises for the core than any other body part. But, sometimes more can be less. With so many movements to choose from, it's easy to miss exercises, or even entire categories of core training, that could exponentially increase your strength and definition.
Despite all the choices out there, the two most common components of core training these days seem to be the crunch and the plank. I'm not going to tell you that crunches and planks are useless or dangerous—both are great tools to have your arsenal—they're just not enough on their own!
In my experience, it's more helpful to think of core training in terms of attributes you're trying to build, rather than muscles. In particular, I recommend you have each of the following elements in your core training:
- Stability
- Compression
- Endurance
Here are my favorite movements in each of those categories, along with guidelines on how to program them. You can either include one from each category in your training at a time, or move through them in successive phases, but make sure you've got these essentials in the mix somewhere!
Forearm Plank
- Prop yourself up on your forearms with your feet close together and your elbows directly underneath your shoulders.
- Press down firmly with your forearms as you squeeze your butt and inner thighs together.
- Pull your belly button up toward your spine, and try to drag your elbows back toward your hips. Hold for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds. Repeat for 5 rounds.
- Lie on your back with your legs extended and arms overhead.
- Keep your belly hugging in toward your spine, then aggressively compress your thighs to your chest as you lift yourself onto your sit bones.
- Lie back down and repeat a total of 50 times in sets of 5 or 10 reps.
Arch Hold
- Lie on your belly with your arms extended out in front and your legs straight behind you.
- Keep your legs together and your biceps by your ears. Lift your chest and your legs off the ground.
- Squeeze your inner thighs and butt together as you send your tailbone toward your heels. Hold this position for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat eight times.
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